Apology Letters for Activity

Dear {Recipient},

Please accept my sincere apologies for cancelling our plans to {do activity} on {date}. I was really looking
forward to it and cancelling was the last thing on my mind. Unfortunately, {reason for cancelling} and I had no choice but to {be somewhere else/stay at home}.

I hope we can still make our original plan happen. Let's find a time and date that works for us both—maybe sometime next week? Please let me know your availability.


{Your Name}

Dear {Recipient},

I called you crazy when you first confronted me about it, but your suspicions were correct; I have been cheating on you for {time period}. I'm not proud to admit it, but I'm coming clean because you deserve to hear the truth.

I'm really sorry this happened. This isn't where I thought our relationship would end up, yet here we are and it's all my fault. I know you've been hurting and I'm very sorry I caused you so much pain.
If you'd like to talk in person, you know where to find me. If you'd rather be alone right now, I'll respect that too.

Though, I sincerely hope you'll be open to talking and working things out. I still love you and would like for us to still be part of each others' lives in some way.

With love and regret,

{Your Name}

Dear {Recipient},

On behalf of {construction company}, please accept my apologies for the noise {next door/across the
street/down the hall}
these past {number of} {days/weeks}. We've been {reason for construction} and are
aware that the noise has been disruptive. We're really sorry for bothering you.

I want you to know that our project is set to be completed by {date}, and we're doing our best to wrap things up before then. In the meantime, if there's anything we can do to make this a more pleasant experience for you and your family, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at {email address/phone number}.

Best regards,

{Your Name}

Dear {Recipient},

On behalf of {organization}, I regret to inform you that {event}, which was scheduled on {date}, has been
cancelled. We know how much you were looking forward to this event. Unfortunately, due to {reason}, I and the rest of the organizing committee had no choice but to take this course of action.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you have already paid for your ticket, please send your {details} to {email address} so that we may issue you a full refund immediately.

Thank you for your interest in {event} and we hope we'll be able to offer it in the future.

Best regards,

{Your Name}
